Hi just a Quick one Today, just wanting to know how you fill about this blog,
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PPs:As you Know the service provider are working hard blocking this cheat- but not to worry you will allway get the latest trick on how to browser free with your mobile phone so alway check back for the latest cheat, trick and tips to browse free.
So go down to the comment below this and let me know what you fill about about this post. Let make the Blog more Interactive.
Talk to you soon
Good morning sir i was wondering if their is any mtn code that works with nokia 3110c for operamini 2.06 or 4.2
ReplyDeleteOpera mini 2.0 setting for mtn
ReplyDeleteAccess Point Name: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
IP Address: concealme.com
Port Number : 80
Opera Server :http://wap.mtnonline.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com
Pls sir i use nokia 3110c and most opera code comes with ip and port when creating access point and my phne dont have that so sir pls help me with any code that i can browser with opera 2.06 or 4.2 and i use mtn line
ReplyDeleteSo, you mean you have opera 4.2 browser installed on your phone, am i right!
ReplyDeleteWhat you will do is Launch the Program either of them, when the program start, click on the menu button and click on setting, locate the network link and click on it,
you will see the sections that requires the ip Address and Port Port Number. and enter the cheat on the blog .
Keepme posted